Using Linux

Key Differences

If you are using a Linux environment, it's important to call out some of the key differences when installing Docker Desktop for Linux.

Multiple Contexts

First, Docker Desktop runs a Virtual Machine (VM) to handle its functionality. Due to how the controls and restrictions are put in place to run this VM, it's possible to run the Docker Engine and Docker Desktop at the same time. Docker accomplishes this by using a different context when creating resources via Docker Desktop. Therefore, if you plan on using AppIgnition and want to interact with your Docker resources via a terminal, you need to run the following.

docker context use desktop-linux

This isn't required if you only plan on using Docker Desktop's UI since AppIgnition automatically handles the necessary context switch when building your containers.

User Permissions

Unlike running Docker Desktop on other platforms, Docker Desktop on Linux handles permissions inside of your containers differently. Rather than your host user being mapped to a user with the same ID in your container, it is mapped to root. For this reason, you must create a group having the same ID as the container's non-root user so that you can properly make file changes, safely. You can let AppIgnition handle this for you during installation, or you can handle it yourself when you need to.

Add linux group popup