Add a Container


The easiest way to add containers to your workspace when first using AppIgnition is to go through the setup wizard. Each step will offer you one or several container options for supporting the different functionality you might need in your application. This can include hosting your application with a web server, storing data in a database, sending email with a mail server, or running browser-based acceptance tests.

Dashboard setup wizard

Searching for Containers

If you'd prefer a more custom approach, you can use AppIgnition's search functionality to find the container that meets your needs. Each container is tagged with the functionality it provides, offering an easier way to find the right solution to solve your problem.

Container search

{warning} If you add a new container after you already installed an application, you must reinstall the application to build and run the new container.

Container Dependencies

Some containers rely on the existence of other containers to work properly. When this happens, you won't be able to add the intended container until its dependencies have been met. In the example below, the Laravel Horizon Worker requires at least a database or Redis server to handle queuing background jobs for the worker to take.

Container dependencies