

Primarily used for acceptance testing, the only difference from the Selenium container is that SeleniARM uses Chromium as its browser. This allows platforms running on ARM based processors to still utilize Selenium without it running in emulation.

Use Cases

  • If you plan on writing acceptance tests with Laravel Dusk or other testing utilities.
  • If you are running an ARM based processor and need to run acceptance tests.


Name Default Description
Selenium Grid Port 4444 The port to use when accessing SeleniARM from your tests.
VNC Port 7900 The port that will be accessible from your local machine to view your running tests (see more below).

VNC Client

One of the problems using the SeleniARM container is how can you view your tests running in a browser when they're running in a Docker container? To solve this, SeleniARM supports using a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) client to view the running tests on your local machine. Most modern browsers come with the noVNC client. This will allow you to view your tests by navigating to localhost:7900, where 7900 is the port specified in the settings above.

noVNC client

Or, you can click the Open VNC Client link when viewing the container in the AppIgnition dashboard to open it for you.

Selenium menu item

{warning} Be sure to not run Hot Module Replacement (HMR) when you're testing with SeleniARM. The SeleniARM container will be unable to contact your HMR server and will eventually fail. Instead, build your assets before running your tests.